How do you engage with your stakeholders?

The more you know about your stakeholder, the more you will engage with them – and they with you.

We recently talked about the importance of creating personas to help you in your communications and promotions with a range of audiences. We have had a number of people ask for more information and so have come up with a list of ten ways in which to make the person come alive.

  1. Name, age, gender, job and family details
  2. Hobbies and interests
  3. What makes them tick – politics, religion?
  4. How and where do they get their information?
  5. What do they like to eat, where do they shop?
  6. What issues keep them awake at night?
  7. Do they drive, if so what car?
  8. Do they prefer to take public transport or ride a bike?
  9. How do they relate to the organisation, or how could they relate?
  10. What's in it for them?