Public Relations

MediaWise has worked on issues including Beyond ATAR, forced marriage, women and homelessness, conservation, vaccinating children, legislating stem cell research, and encouraging children to ride to school. Our PR work has included:

Campaign planning

  • Extending the National Partnership Agreement of Homelessness
  • Introducing stem cell legislation into Victoria
  • Ending forced marriage in Australia
  • Putting acid violence on the agenda in Australia through the documentary Geeta.


  • 150th anniversaries of the Old Colonists' Association of Victoria, Eureka Stockade, Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne
  • The opening of The Australian Garden in Cranbourne,
  • The Great Vic Bike Ride



We interview and write for blogs, booklets, annual reports, white papers or press releases. We write in many different styles from corporate through to personalised portraits. We write for different audiences too, from children to policy makers to the media. We develop and research original content, as well as rewrite and restructure existing content.

  • New Country New Home – contracted by Equal Opportunities Commission to research, write and edit two booklets for migrant/ refugee groups and landlords.
  • VicHealth family violence program – we wrote long and short executive summaries for use by media and politicians to explain complex social policy issues in plain English.


Case study

Australian Learning Lecture

The Australian Learning Lecture is a ten-year initiative to bring big ideas in education to national attention.

Each lecture around a big idea is delivered by an international thought leader and then supported by a two-year impact program.

MediaWise was brought in to develop and then, with a team, implement a communications strategy aimed at raising the profile of ALL and secondly, promoting and marketing the lecture and impact programs.Our work includes:

  • Creating content for the new website and overseeing its development
  • Creating new collateral with the new brand for all of the programs
  • Liaising with major stakeholders including universities, professional associations, researchers and teachers
  • Putting in place communications policies and protocol for social media, media relation

A highlight has included the development and implementation of PR for Beyond ATAR, a proposal for change which generated over 200 print, radio interviews and television stories. This led to inclusion of the main recommendations in the Shergold Review of pathways in Australia's secondary schools. The concept of a Learner Profile has been supported by the Business Council of Australia, and more recently the National Education Ministers' Forum.