PR professionals often see writing an annual report as a bore but with a bit of planning and thought, it need not be.
It is tempting to think about not doing an annual report and simply do what is needed: post the financial report on the website and send the details into ASIC. After all, it takes time and money – if you contract a writing and design team – to create a report. Then there is the cost of printing and mailing. Even going digital, there is a cost involved.
There are four good reasons to publish an annual report, regardless of costs.
An annual report is your best fundraising tool.
The purpose is NOT to publish your financials, but to re-engage donors emotionally. It is a reminder about why you exist and why they care and should continue to care. It is a reminder that your work is solving problems about problems they care about.
Make your organisation stand out through good design and writing.
Too many charities publish dull annual reports. Make yours sing by telling a story of how your work is making an impact. Shout your achievements. Don’t try and fill all the space with words. Let design help you way promote the work.
Telling a story reminds donors that you need their dollars to solve an issue important to them.
An annual report is a fundraising tool, no more, no less. If you tell the right story in the right way with the right design, you will be able to reach out to your donors and show them how your organisation is solving problems. Your audited financial statement is not going to do that.
4. Make your donors think about you.
Your organisation should be thinking about donors and supporters everyday. It is unlikely that donors and supporters think about you except when they receive an appeal letter, a newsletter or have connected in with you on Facebook or X.
Put baldly, an annual report is another chance to let your donors and supporters know that you cannot progress your mission without them. Tell your story wisely. Use emotion. Use it well.
MediaWise is contracted to write annual reports each year for not for profit organisations. If you are stuck for ideas or need a writer and design team, contact us at mediawise@mediawise.net.au.