How to keep your creativity alive?

We are busier than ever these days. But does that help keep our creativity alive? Does it make us more productive? And how you keep being creative if you are under the pump all the time?

Here are some of our tips.

Ideas book

MediaWise carries an ideas book with it all the time. We use it to jot down ideas, thoughts or quotes which come to us at any time during day or night.

Read, read and read

Yes, we read papers, trade magazines, blogs, Facebook and Twitter feeds but we also read cookbooks, children’s books adventure tales and biographies.

Reading is inspiring, it teaches you constantly and is a wonderful escape as well.

Don’t be desk bound

We work from home and it is always an easy option to stay at home.

We make the effort (not just for meetings) to head off regularly into the city to go to a film, show or an art exhibition. We are also avid travellers – and so many of our ideas for clients have come from our travels. Visits to libraries to flick through the latest magazines are also a great idea for inspiration. It is also cheaper than buying books.

Go swimming, get on a bike or walk around the block

Exercise is great for well-being and it helps melt away stress.