Social media and holidays

Social media works around the clock. It does not sleep. Not even for the festive season. In fact, holidays are the time when people are most likely to step up their social media activity. After all, do you stop checking your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Linkedin pages? If you wouldn’t why would you expect your followers to do otherwise?

Rather than slow down your social media activity, now is the time to step up posting useful tips, articles and examples of how your business helps others.

But what do you do if you are away on holiday? There is a solution. You can find somebody to manage your social media for the time you’re away. For example you can make another person the temporary administrator for you Facebook page. Make sure, though, you discuss your brand and business goals with them so that they post effectively.

Or (and our preferred choice) you can schedule posts ahead of your holiday break so that you still have time out but also maintain a presence on social media.

Either way, we advise you to work out how you would like enquiries to be handled and for somebody else to be available to contact in your absence for any particularly sticky situations.

Whatever your solution, please do not abandon your social media!